ECPAT-USA Honors Leaders in Anti-Trafficking Movement

ECPAT-USA Honors Leaders in Anti-Trafficking Movement

ECPAT-USA, the leading anti-child trafficking organization seeking to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the U.S., will honor four leaders in the anti-trafficking movement at its annual Freedom Awards benefit this September. The recipients of this year...
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Knowledge Key to Prevention in Fight Against Human Trafficking

Knowledge Key to Prevention in Fight Against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is called a modern-day form of slavery, and it is a scourge that knows no boundaries. For all the progress that has been made in raising awareness to the horrors of human trafficking, sadly, the notion persists that human trafficking only happens somewh...
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ALHI Stands and Observes National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

ALHI Stands and Observes National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day on January 11 raises awareness of the persistent issue of human trafficking. Though the entire month of January has already been recognized as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, this day is specifica...
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ALHI Stands with World Day Against Trafficking

ALHI Stands with World Day Against Trafficking

July 30th marks World Day Against Trafficking, created by the United Nations to bring awareness to human trafficking and how it affects people around the world. This day commemorates those who have been affected, as well as those on the front lines working to stop and p...
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How to Identify Human Trafficking in Hospitality

How to Identify Human Trafficking in Hospitality

ALHI and The Code are here to help you get the resources YOU need to help identify trafficking in our industry.  The International Labor Organization estimates that there are over 40 million victims globally, 1 in 4 victims is a child. Victims are sold in the sex...
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